Logistics Management Specialist (LM21)

The Logistics Management Specialist TCC program is a sequence of courses that is designed to prepare students for employment in the field of business logistics. The program focuses on specific occupational courses in the area of logistics that provide an overview of the process from product idea conception to product delivery to the consumer. 

Employment Opportunities

Initial employment from this program will be entry-level logistics positions, such as dispatcher, warehouse clerk, or logistics technician. Once the graduate gains experience expected positions could include logistics analyst.

Admissions Criteria

  • Submit a completed application and application fee;
  • Be at least 16 years of age;
  • Submit official high school transcript or GED transcript;
  • Submit official college transcripts, if applicable;
  • Meet the following assessment requirements:
Test Reading Writing Numerical Algebra
Accuplacer 64 70 NA 57
Accuplacer (Next Gen) 236 249 NA 245
Compass 79 62 NA 37
SAT 17 17 NA 21
SAT 290 290 NA 380
ACT 16 14 NA 17
ASSET 42 41 39 42
PSAT 17 17 NA 21
GED NA 145 NA 145

Logistics Management Specialist Curriculum

The curriculum for the Logistics Management Specialist TCC program is designed for the semester system. A student may enter the program any term. To graduate, students must earn a minimum of 18 semester credit hours. The program requires a minimum of 270 contact hours and generally takes 1-2 semesters to complete.

Program Courses

Occupational Courses (18 Credits)

COLL 1010College & Career Success Skills


LOGI 1000Business Logistics


LOGI 1010Purchasing


LOGI 1020Materials Management


Guided Elective


NOTE: ā€œCā€ or higher grade is required for all the above courses.

Select one (3 Credits)

MGMT 1100Principles of Management


MGMT 2200Production/Operations Management


* A grade of "C" or higher is required for all courses.

Program Costs

Tuition ($100 per credit hour): $1,800

Fees ($385 per semester): $770

Books/Supplies: $350

(Costs are estimates and are subject to change.)