Counseling Resources

The Student Success Coach is able to help students identify interests, examine various majors, and consider basic values and priorities which contribute to success in planning educational goals. The goal is to use all available resources to assist students in making positive adjustments in their academic and personal lives.

Guidance and Counseling

Students may request counseling or be referred by a faculty or staff member. TEAMS is an early warning referral system through which an instructor can refer a student for academic or personal assistance. It provides a team approach to problem solving with the instructor, the student, and the counselor interacting. Through TEAMS, assistance may be offered in areas such as study habits, attendance, organizational skills, and stress management, among other topics.

Individual/group sessions or workshops are presented each semester on topics such as time management, study skills, financial planning, stress management, overcoming test anxiety, career decision-making, relationship issues, and self-esteem.

Programs on special topics are provided at the request of instructors or student groups. Students can expect conversations to be confidential. However, there are some exceptions to confidentiality. Counselors are mandated by law to report certain information in which there is possible harm to the client or other individuals.

Students may contact Ogeechee Technical College’s Student Success Coach at 912.486.7811.

Services Available:

  • Academic Counseling is available for those who need assistance, general information about programs including admission requirements, and academic planning.
  • Personal Counseling is available for those who are faced with managing, coping, and dealing with personal problems.