Business Healthcare Technology Associate of Applied Science (BHT3)

The Business Healthcare Technology program is designed to prepare graduates for employment in a variety of positions in today’s technology-driven workplaces. The Business Healthcare Technology program provides learning opportunities, which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes the use of software and technology. Students are also introduced to accounting fundamentals, electronic communications, internet research, electronic file management, and healthcare regulation and compliance. The program includes instruction in effective communication skills and terminology that encompasses office management and executive assistant qualification and technology innovations for the office. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of administrative technology. Graduates of the program receive a Business Healthcare Technology Associate of Applied Technology degree.

Employment Opportunities

Employment opportunities include administrative support, supervisory, and managerial positions in healthcare facilities such as physicians’ offices, hospitals, coding and billing service providers, and other healthcare related businesses.

Admissions Criteria

  • Submit a completed application and application fee;
  • Be at least 16 years of age;
  • Submit official high school transcript or GED transcript;
  • Submit official college transcripts, if applicable;
  • Meet the following assessment requirements:
Test Reading Writing Numerical Algebra
Accuplacer 64 70 NA 57
Accuplacer (Next Gen) 236 249 NA 245
Compass 79 62 NA 37
SAT 17 17 NA 21
SAT 290 290 NA 380
ACT 16 14 NA 17
ASSET 42 41 39 42
PSAT 17 17 NA 21
GED NA 145 NA 145

Business Healthcare Technology AAS Degree Curriculum

The curriculum for the Business Healthcare Technology degree program is designed for the semester system. A student may enter the program any term. Degree-seeking students must earn a minimum of 67 semester credit hours for completion. The program requires a minimum of 1360 contact hours and generally takes 5 terms to complete.

Program Courses

General Education Core (15 Credits)

Area I – Language Arts/Communication (3 Credits)

ENGL 1101Composition and Rhetoric


Area II – Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 Credits)

Select one
PSYC 1101Introductory Psychology


SOCI 1101Introduction to Sociology


Area III – Natural Sciences/Mathematics (3 Credits)

Select one
MATH 1101Mathematical Modeling


MATH 1103Quantitative Skills & Reasoning


MATH 1111College Algebra


Area IV – Humanities/Fine Arts (3 Credits)

Select one
ARTS 1101Art Appreciation


ENGL 2110
World Literature

HUMN 1101Introduction to Humanities


MUSC 1101Music Appreciation


Program-Specific Requirements (3 Credits)

General Education Core Elective

Occupational Courses (52 Credits)

COLL 1010College & Career Success Skills


ALHS 1011Structure and Function of the Human Body



BIOL 2100Survey of the Human Body


ALHS 1090Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences


MAST 1120Human Diseases


BUSN 1015Intro to Medical Insurance


BUSN 2190BusnDoc Proofreading&Editing


BUSN 2340Healthcare Admin Procedures


Select One

BUSN 2350Electronic Health Records


HIMT 1250Health Record Content and Structure



BUSN 2375Healthcare Coding


BUSN 1440Document Production


Accounting Course (4 Credits)

Select one
BUSN 2200

ACCT 1100Financial Accounting I


Guided Electives for Business Healthcare (15 Credits)

Program Costs

Tuition/Fees: $7,070

Books/Supplies: $2,375

(Costs are estimates and are subject to change.)