Withdrawing from a Course or the College

Ogeechee Technical College is a non-attendance taking institution. This means a student must request to withdraw from their classes; a student will not be withdrawn during a semester without official notification from the student. In certain cases, the Registrar may administratively withdraw a student. Typically, this would occur in cases involving death, serious injury or illness, incarceration, or as a result of student discipline. Administrative withdrawals will be assigned a W or WF grade, which will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Registrar. Documentation may be required. If a student needs to request a hardship withdrawal, they can work with the Student Success Coach to do so. If a student is called to active duty during a semester, he/she will be issued a WM, Withdrew Military. 
Students who withdraw from a course on or before the posted withdrawal date will receive a W grade. Students who withdraw after the posted withdrawal date and are failing the class as of the date of their withdrawal will receive a WF grade. The withdrawal date for each term is posted on the Campus Calendar located online at www.ogeecheetech.edu. The withdrawal date for students requesting a withdrawal will be considered the date the student makes the official request.  

Failure to attend classes does not constitute an official withdrawal or a course drop. Students who fail to continue attending class and who do not drop from the course may be awarded a failing grade by the instructor. The unofficial withdrawal date will be determined as the 50% point of the session(s) (as allowed by federal regulations). This will be the date used to return federal funds as needed. Students who complete over 50% of the course may have their last date of participation used as their unofficial withdrawal date if the college can document a date greater than 50%. 

Ogeechee Technical College calculates earned Title IV aid based on federal regulations for colleges that are not required to take attendance. Students who officially withdraw from all coursework, or who stop attending all courses, will have their aid adjusted according to federal return to title IV regulations, which requires proration of funds for students who withdraw or stop attending before the 60% point in the semester. 
Since choosing to drop a course is a serious academic decision that may affect a student’s progress towards a degree or a student’s financial aid status, a student should consult with the instructor of the course, the academic advisor, and a financial aid advisor before making this decision. Students who withdraw from all courses within a specific term will automatically be dropped from any course(s) which have a future beginning date within that same term.