Selected Topics in Criminal Justice Certificate (STI1)

The Selected Topics in Criminal Justice Certificate of Credit is a sequence of courses that introduces the student to specific matters that are of distinctive relevance to criminal justice. Learning opportunities develop knowledge that is used as a basis for job related training as an entry point for a diploma or degree program, or pursuit of entry level job acquisition. The Selected Topics in Criminal Justice Technical Certificate contains sufficient hours for in-service law enforcement to meet the college requirements of the Intermediate Certificate of the Career Development Program of the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council.

Employment Opportunities

Criminal Justice is the study of processes put in place by the government in order to prevent, deter and control crime. An effective criminal justice system is a prerequisite for a functional, free society. Without ways to regulate or reduce crime, laws would have little meaning and society would suffer. Criminal Justice agencies include law enforcement, the courts and the prison system. Those pursuing the Criminal Justice Degree have professed an interest in helping to manage crime or enforce the law. The practice of criminal justice can take a variety of forms, including service as a corrections officer or probation officer, the study of forensics or criminology, service as a police officer or detective, or work in security administration or immigration. Those interested in criminal justice on a Federal level may opt for a career in the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Admissions Criteria

  • Submit a completed application and application fee;
  • Be at least 16 years of age;
  • Submit official high school transcript or GED transcript;
  • Submit official college transcripts, if applicable;
  • Meet the following assessment requirements:
Test Reading Writing Numerical Algebra
Accuplacer 55 60 34 NA
Accuplacer (Next Gen) 224 236 229 NA
Compass 70 32 26 NA
SAT 16 15 18 NA
SAT 270 280 310 NA
ACT 14 13 14 NA
ASSET 37 38 32 NA
PSAT 16 15 18 NA
GED NA 145 145 NA
TABE 461 NA 442 NA

Selected Topics in Criminal Justice Certificate Curriculum

The curriculum for the Selected Topics in Criminal Justice Certificate program is designed for the semester system. A student may enter the program fall and spring semesters. To graduate, students must earn a minimum of 12 semester credit hours. The program requires a minimum of 180 contact hours and generally takes 1 semester to complete.

Additional Notes

Conviction of a felony or certain misdemeanors may prohibit employment in the law enforcement field.

Program Courses

Occupational Courses (12 Credits)

CRJU 1052Criminal Justice Administration


CRJU 1065Community-Oriented Policing


CRJU 1400Ethics & Cultural Perspectives for Criminal Justice


CRJU 2070Juvenile Justice


Program Costs

Tuition and Fees

Course Supply Fees: Crime Scene Investigation (click to find individual course fees)

(Costs are estimates and are subject to change.)