Criminal Justice Specialist Certificate (CJ21)

The Criminal Justice Specialist TCC is a sequence of courses that prepares students for criminal justice professions. Learning opportunities develop academic, occupational, and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes a combination of Criminal Justice theory and practical application necessary for successful employment. Completion of this technical certificate of credit may permit students to pursue entry level opportunities in the criminal justice field. Completion of the Criminal Justice Specialist Technical Certificate of Credit does not ensure certification of officer status in Georgia. Students must seek such certification from the Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Council.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates of the Criminal Justice Specialist certificate program are prepared for entry-level positions in the criminal justice field.

Admissions Criteria

  • Submit a completed application and application fee;
  • Be at least 16 years of age;
  • Meet the following assessment requirements:
Test Reading Writing Numerical Algebra
Accuplacer 36 30 23 NA
Accuplacer (Next Gen) 218 222 223 NA
Compass 70 32 26 NA
SAT 16 15 18 NA
SAT 270 280 310 NA
ACT 14 13 14 NA
ASSET 37 38 32 NA
PSAT 16 15 18 NA
GED NA 145 145 NA
TABE 461 NA 442 NA

Criminal Justice Specialist Curriculum

The Criminal Justice Specialist certificate program is designed for the semester system. A student may enter the program any semester. To graduate, students must earn a minimum of 15 semester credit hours. The program requires a minimum of 225 contact hours and generally takes 1 semester to complete.

Additional Notes

Conviction of a felony or certain misdemeanors may prohibit employment in the law enforcement field.

Program Courses

Occupational Courses (15 Credits)

CRJU 1010Intro to Criminal Justice


CRJU 1030Corrections


CRJU 1040Principles of Law Enforcement


CRJU 1068Criminal Law for Criminal Justice


CRJU 2020Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice


Program Costs

Tuition and Fees

Course Supply Fees: Crime Scene Investigation (click to find individual course fees)

(Costs are estimates and are subject to change.)